Teaching and Scientific Council of Department (Department Council) The Department Council shall comprise teachers, assistants holding a doctoral degree and full-time assistants employed with the department. The Head of the Department acts as the President of the Department Council.
The Department Council shall:
1. elect its representatives to the Council;
2. elect its representatives to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy;
3. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for the study programmes and decisions on the initiation of accreditation procedures;
4. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for amendments to the structure and content of study programmes and courses, teaching methods, and other issues of importance to teaching and programmes;
5. propose the syllabi of courses on offer within a study programme of the Department;
7. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for the number of students to enrol in the first year in compliance with the law, work permit and Statute;
8. propose members of committees in charge of the preparation of reports on the election of teachers for different positions, and employment of teachers and associates with the Academy;
9. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for the stimulation of the development of exceptionally successful and talented students;
10. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for the criteria and terms of ECTS credit transfer;
11. put forward proposals to the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy for the specific professional development and lifelong learning programmes;
12. adopt teacher and associate schedules (teaching assignments) for the coming academic year;
13. grant approvals to the Department Councils’ initiatives to launch teacher election and employment procedures;
14. propose specific scientific, professional and artistic fields to which teachers are elected;
15. launch the initiative to announce teaching vacancies;
16. initiate self-assessment procedures in specific fields;
17. take an active part in the self-assessment and quality assessment of studies, teaching and working conditions, and proposes quality improvement measures;
18. monitor the implementation of quality improvement measures adopted by the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy;
19. adopt its own Rules of Procedure;
20. perform other tasks in compliance with the Statute and other general acts.
Its meetings shall be held in a regular manner and online. Decisions are made by a majority of votes of the present members, provided that more than half of the total number of members are present.