The Academy shall establish the Ethics Committee, as a professional and consulting body. It shall comprise 5 (five) members: 4 (four) representatives of the Academy, 2 per department, and 1 (one) member of non-teaching services staff.
The members of the Ethics Committee are nominated by the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy on the proposal of the Academy President, for the term of office of 3 (three) academic years. The President of the Ethics Committee shall be elected among its members by public ballot.
The Ethics Committee shall:
1. discuss ethical issues relating to the scientific-research work, teaching and learning process;
2. analyse whether the Academy teachers, associates and students comply with principles of ethics in their work;
3. have a right to make remarks on the qualifications and competences of teachers or students, and analyse potential risks that might occur in the course of professional and scientific activity;
4. make sure that human rights, and the right to human dignity in particular, are respected in the process of scientific and professional research;
5. ensure that the research conducted by students and their mentors during the preparation
of final, specialist and master’s theses complies with principles of ethics;
6. when necessary, hire experts in specific fields;
7. perform other tasks relating to ethical issues.