Academy President

The Academy President is the executive officer of the Academy. Only a full-time professor elected for an indefinite period of time can be appointed the President. The appointment and dismissal of the President are in the power of the Council.

The President’s authorities include the following:

1. to represent the Academy and act on its behalf;
2. to bear responsibility for the legality the Academy operation;
3. to organise and govern the work of the Academy;
4. to propose the Academy programme and development plan;
5. to propose the Academy business policy and measures to be taken for its implementation;
6. to propose measures for the improvement of the work of the Academy;
7. to issue orders regarding the implementation of the financial plan of the Academy;
8. to make contracts on behalf of the Academy;
9. to sign diplomas and Diploma Supplements;
10. to chair the meetings held by the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy and carry out decisions of the Teaching and Scientific Council of the Academy and those of the Council;
11. to decide on the selection of bidders in the public procurement procedures in compliance with the Public Procurement Law;
12. to adopt and implement the quality assurance policy and strategy;
13. to adopt a general act defining the positions, qualifications and other employment terms, as well as other general acts in compliance with the law;
14. to decide on concluding and terminating employment contracts, on employees’ assignments, as well as on the appointment of members of its bodies, committees, working groups, and adopt other general acts as stipulated by the law;
15. to decide on individual rights, obligations and responsibilities of employees;
16. to decide on any issue regarding the employment policy in compliance with the law;
17. to decide on the announcement of competitions for the election of teachers and associates;
18. to decide on the employment of non-teaching staff;
19. to decide on publishing the call for the enrolment;
20. to adopt professional development plans and supervise the process of professional development of teachers, associates and non-teaching staff;
21. to make employment and other contracts;
22. to coordinate the Council’s activities;
23. to coordinate the Academy financial transactions, particularly regarding the acquisition and rational disposal of financial funds;
24. to monitor and analyse financial transactions of the Academy and submit proposals to the Academy bodies for reaching sound decisions aimed at ensuring successful business activity;
25. to take part in resolving financial issues relating to the Academy business activity;
26. to take care of the preparation of the financial plan, interim and final financial statements;
27. to decide on student promotion and awards;
28. to submit to the Academy Council the proposal for the report on business operations of the Academy, which is subsequently submitted to the Academy founder;
29. to decide on the distribution of financial resources upon obtaining the consent of the Academy Council;
30. to decide on the use of the Academy property upon obtaining the consent of the Academy Council;
31. to pass work regulations in case of unsuccessful negotiations with the representative trade union in the process of adopting the collective bargaining contract;
32. to ensure that the Academy cooperates with the local government, public service and other public institutions;
33. to perform other tasks in compliance with the law, Statute, and other general acts of the Academy.